Saturday, March 7, 2009

Wasted Time

Whoo hoo! I'm stuck on this song titled Wasted Time by Edguy.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Its a sexy song...

Swordfish Collar and Baked Ginza Salmon.
Mmm Ok la wasn't bursting after the Swordfish Collar. It was... filling. Bursting would be 25-30 plates at Sakae Sushi? Muahaha...

Freaking Common Tests. Whatever, to heck with it. I'll just study as much as I can. Go for the damn thing. And look forward to getting back in touch with Guitar, Kenjutsu, Wing Chun, Philosophy, Books in general, Harmonica (If I have time).. oh and studying..

I'm quite shocked with recent events..
Thoughts like what the f*** am I doing and... well yea.. AHHH!
Its really interesting to find someone who thinks the same way.. How self-centred of me but ah well...
It is an inescapable fact.
In any case I shall say this again... but note the connotations are not what they seem..
Other than that, life is just getting better.
was it all?.. meh.

1 comment:

Kenneth said...

Walk up that stairway to jump into the black.