Saturday, May 2, 2009

Spiced Chai... Getting out of this slump.

Hurrah! I bought Chai from coffeebean! and it tastes shiok lol.
But the best chai is still served at... Esplanade NLB cafe *nods*

Tea is fantastic really. Hahaha, depending on what kind of tea; different combinations, all can have a different and desired effect.

Yay, I finally started studying history, gonna keep going >_> two more weeks of hell as Ms Kwa so wonderfully puts. Art is gonna be epic too.. Wheee
The B grade thing is annoying.. heck aiming for A. Ms Chew is just gonna BURST i swear.

I'm sure my master plan will pay off this time.. I'm finally working hard lol..
Sigh... don't really know how or what to say to some people nowadays. Reconstruct, reinvent? Or decide to drop it?

and I'm really sorry for all the pang seying that has been going on. Esp to Rahman and Deon lol... you know me, I am willing to find the time.. school's just hectic. See you dudes soon :x

off to studying history~!

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