Monday, July 6, 2009

Bubble of life.

Bursting the bubble of life.

heh i rock cos i just came up with that. damn you all for being in such an anti-convention state.
- firstly, rebel without a cause? lol... doesn't really matter when everything is nothing anyway does it? Do we need a cause?

I figured, well thus far that... the word Nothing, is somehow a resounding 'image' in my head.
we shall all come to nothing,
and turn to dust.

So with that point of view, life is pretty much what the hell you want to do. But of course doesn't one need to consider the surroundings. After all there are many 'rules' that keep this 'reality', this human reality of life afloat. Hence, being a being in this made up world, how then does one react? By his own without consideration of circumstances, or first take into account the factors.

Meh I don't really know which way is better. It just depends on your preference. You don't have a safety issue? Go ahead, whack la. If you do (apparently I do, nooo) then abide for now? Bleah.
Been in this mood you clowns are in before.. It kinda reached the peak last year? maybe. Spanned since shit happened at home heh. Right now? Uhhh... im just too comfortable. I think i've mentioned it before heh. Maybe because after all the rebelling, my dad's no longer bugging me, my studies, my life has pretty much been handed to me on a platter. No curfew, hardly anyone at home can stop me. Up till now I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do... what course in uni. just a few recurring words... literature, philosophy... art? This inclinatio wasn't ingrained, but I guess it grew over the years and its what I feel and think that I like to do.

My bubble of life hasn't broken. yet. when shit hits the fan it will... just waiting.
...i bet I'll be lost and in a daze as usual =x

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