Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Yay Milestone done with.

Hurrah. My JC art journey...whatever... has ended and yea... Its good to get that shit off my back..
Its 12.30 past midnight and I haven't done GP...Zzz...
Really got to get my act together. Fast. Sigh... After weighing the options... It will be good to have a decent A lvl cert so yea, follow through with the plan of studying like a dog.

I want to be angry and get into a fury. Smash some things.. I need to vent my anger/ frustration..
Its not that difficult. I just have NO TIME! to play guitar.. Go for a jog ( hey don't laugh I know I say I will but I never go in the end but.. zz) bleah...
I'm really at a loss.
What am I supposed to do?
Ok off to bed since im obviously not going to do my homework now...
at least this weekend is gonna be good... hahaah mega food at rahman's YEA!

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